When, indeed, men speak of Beauty, they mean, precisely, not a quality, as is supposed, but an effect - they refer, in short, just to that intense and pure elevation of soul - not of intellect, or of heart. - Edgar Allan Poe
He who thinks we are to pitch our tent here, and have attained the utmost prospect of reformation that the mortal glass wherein we contemplate can show us, till we come to beatific vision, that man by this very opinion declares that he is yet far short of truth. - John Milton
Life is short. Kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly - Paulo Coelho
Humans as a whole are but an unwholesome hole with a sorry ass. In short, a**holes. - Fakeer Ishavardas
My circumstances of unrelieved responsibility and permanent distraction necessitated the short story form. - Raymond Carver
The heart will stretch a short love into long memories. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Life is short. Jingle your bells. - Eleanor Brownn
It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?"
Since it doesn't cost a dime to dream, you'll never short change yourself when you stretch your imagination. - Robert Schuller
Must a name mean something?" Alice asked doubtfully.Of course it must," Humpty Dumpty said with a short laugh; "my name means the shape I am - and a good handsome shape it is, too. With a name like yours, you might be any shape, almost. - Lewis Carroll
If a writer writes poems and short stories and novels, but nobody ever reads them, is she really a writer? - Jennifer Weiner
What a short time I had been given to experience love. I felt as my life had only recently begun and now it would surely end at sunrise. - Meredith T. Taylor
It was true; books had saved me in my home remodeling projects, but they fell short in teaching me how to trust my instincts, and how to stop thinking with my educated brain and more with my kneecaps and butt cheeks. - Dee Williams
To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent. - Buddha
Perserverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.
He's one fry short of a Happy Meal. - Rush Limbaugh
A short story must have a single mood and every sentence must build towards it. - Edgar Allan Poe
Death, is a beautiful conclusion to these short stories, that which we have so interestingly entitled, lives. - Kiar
I don't read such boring things. Life is too short. - György Ligeti
There is a measure in everything. There are fixed limits beyond which and short of which right cannot find a resting place. - Horace
I lived with my mother for only a short time. Even though I left, she is always surrounding me with her love. - Debasish Mridha
I long to embrace, to include in my own short life, all that is accessible to man. I long to speak, to read, to wield a hammer in a great factory, to keep watch at sea, to plow. I want to be walking along the Nevsky Prospect, or in the open fields, or on the ocean — wherever my imagination ranges. - Anton Chekhov
Short stories are great start, but if they are true that's the best start so far in about 222 short stories I have viewed and I have already shared them in the book series Reddit Collection. - Deyth Banger
About GreenHollyWood who is this character?? My English teacher a fat guy about 30 or 35 years old with Glasses and short Hair. - Deyth Banger
Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all. - Sir Winston Churchill
I'll keep it short and sweet -- Family. Religion. Friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business. - Matt Groening
She can feel her vanished talent like a phantom limb, the empty ache of its subtraction from the short list of her assets, and she knows with spiteful certainty that it is gone for good. - Christina Moracho
You're only here for a short visit. Don't hurry, don't worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way. - Walter Hagen
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it."(Letter to Étienne Noël Damilaville, May 16, 1767) - Voltaire
You never realize how short a month is until you pay alimony. - John Barrymore
For a short time, your beauty is an important matter. It the long run, what is important is what you are. - Debasish Mridha
Life is so beautiful and so short that anything that makes me feel less than too much is nothing at all. - D. Antoinette Foy
Happiness is only for a short time then comes sadness which proceeds on overtime - A.N. Knight
Time is too swift for those who fear, too long for those who wait, too short for those who finally find peace, but for those who love, time is eternal. For nothing is ever lost that God wants you to find. - Shannon L. Alder
I committed mistakes many times, fall short, tempted and diverted but able to reconfigure my direction because of God's loving mercy. - Nathaniel E. Quimada
Let a short Act of Parliament be passed, placing all street musicians outside the protection of the law, so that any citizen may assail them with stones, sticks, knives, pistols, or bombs without incurring any penalties. - George Bernard Shaw
The surest hindrance of success is to have too high a standard of refinement in our own minds, or too high an opinion of the judgment of the public. He who is determined not to be satisfied with anything short of perfection will never do anything to please himself or others. - William Hazlitt
Life’s too short to drink crappy coffee and cry over boys who don’t care. - Matty Healy
Have we raised the threshold of horror so high that nothing short of a nuclear strike qualifies as a 'real' war? Are we to spend the rest of our lives in this state of high alert with guns pointed at each other's heads and fingers trembling on the trigger? - Arundhati Roy
Arrest those elfin love ticks. Life is too short to be in love. - Nidhi Khanna
When the world does its level best to devalue me in ways that are nothing short of brutal, all it does is evidence my value. For why would it expend such massive amounts of energy attempting to destroy something that’s not there? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Women want love to be a novel. Men, a short story. - Daphne du Maurier
On the Brevity of Our TiesTies in this world last only for a time. We are husband and wife, parent and child, for a short period only. Once this reality sinks in, we cannot help treasuring each moment of our brief association. - Kentetsu Takamori
I shall be breakfasted before you are afield. In short, I shall astonish you all. - Thomas Hardy
The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions. - Robert Lynd
To dive in the darkness, I should dive in the truth, then in images of the world..., then facts, then in books, then listening, then in short stories... that's how I write the horror. It's very complicated. - Deyth Banger
Always ask the questions you want to, life is too short to know if you'll get a second chance to ask , and afterlife is probably too long to wonder what the answer may be. - Kaitlin Hollon
The Right Knowledge reduces pain-and-suffering, and increases happiness. If we fall short of having acquired the Right Knowledge, the faults is ours’, isn’t it? - Dada Bhagwan
Life is too short to enjoy all the beauties of life. - Debasish Mridha
If nothing else in this long and short life, let me be true to my conscience, to the dignity of my own heart. Let me act in a way that says, I have honored my spirit as truly as I have honored others'. Let me stand tall and rooted as a mountain in the face of a quaking world. - Jennifer DeLucy
There is a graceless human tendency to wish upon others the ills visited upon oneself. Instead of pointing successors towards short cuts, you relish seeing them clambering through identical hoops. - Michela Wrong
Snuffy and the Bull is one of several short stories from a time in our history which has been woven into the quilt of America and found within the eclectic tapestry of our culture. - Regine' Ivory-Barlow
Life is too short to listen to reason. - Marty Rubin
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience. - Doug Larson
Be not wishing and pining but thankfully content. For it is a short bridge between wanting and regret."- from "Dimpellumpzki - Richelle E. Goodrich
Never allow your short term temperament to affect your long term decisions. - Moutasem Algharati
Life is short; love is longer. - Kamand Kojouri
Nothing is so admirable in politics as a short memory. - John Kenneth Galbraith
The world looks very different to me now at twenty. I have outgrown my early opinions and ideals with my short dresses, just as Mrs. Walton said we would. Now the critics can say 'Thou waitest till thy woman's fingers wrought the best that lay within thy woman's heart. - Annie Fellows Johnston
My lungs falter short in breath by just the very thought of you. - Gabriella Jording
Life is too short, and sometimes brutal, and in the end we have only each other... Nothing else matters. - William Donelson
my new website is now live on There are free short stories to download on it. Have fun! Daniel Borough - www.danielborough.com
My creed on the subject of slavery is short. Slavery per se is not sin. It is a social condition ordained from the beginning of the world for the wisest purposes, benevolent and disciplinary, by Divine Wisdom. - Samuel Morse
A dam doesn't try to reason with the water. Its main purpose is to hold it still for a while. When I lecture my kids I'm doing much the same thing. I'm not trying to necessarily reason with them, just hold them still for a short while. - Spuds Crawford
Stop thinking of the past, and stop worrying about the future. Just win the day. Achieve the goals you set for every single day, and you’ll rebuild your life in a few short years. - Kevin J. Donaldson
An ad for cigars appears in 100,000 newspapers; sales of that brand increase by 3% for a short time thereafter. A new play receives a viciously negative review in a theatrical journal that prints 500 copies; the playwright shoots himself. Who’s the better writer? - Jason Lutes
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
the problem in today's society is that the truth is in short supply and people love soft lies more than hard truths - rassool jibraeel snyman
Life is too short for negativity. Focus all your energy to create happiness. - Banani Ray
A short time in the presence of the Friends (the Sufis) is better than a hundred years’ sincere, obedient dedication. - Idries Shah
There is no dignity when the human dimension is eliminated from the person. In short, the problem with pornography is not that it shows too much of the person, but that it shows far too little. - Pope John Paul II
Be a life long or short, its completeness depends on what it was lived for. - David Starr Jordan
I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see. - John Burroughs
Life is too short not to believe in something. - Isabella Irini Poretsis
I’m not interested in external ego but internal satisfaction. I’m not interested just in easy glory but in constructing something….together we are trying to build a project that is not just short term - manuel pellegrini
I'm a godmother, that's a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that's cute, I taught her that. - Ellen DeGeneres
Life is short. Write naked. - A.D. Posey
With life as short as a half taken breath, don't plant anything but love. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Mature Christians daily recognize how short they fall in keeping God's law and realizes how desperately they needs God's grace. - Ibrahim Emile
When I die it will be game over,... but I know one life is short, to be selfish is not the best decision, to make an incrediable self-image is the best. - Deyth Banger
I had one elegantly folded cookie—a short paper nerve baked in an ear. - Lorrie Moore
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. - Voltaire
Life is too short to be taken seriously.
This is the short and the long of it. - William Shakespeare
It's about what YOU are going to do with the short time you have left on this earth. - Hugh Macleod
An idealist believes the short run doesn't count. A cynic believes the long run doesn't matter. A realist believes that what is done or left undone in the short run determines the long run. - Sydney J. Harris
The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term, is the indispensable prerequisite for success. - Brian Tracy
The more deeper you think, the more silent you become. You understand the reasons behind the reason. It may not necessarily mean you are short of words. You however know what ignorance can trigger and how to deal with ignorance and purpose. The timeliness of your word is surely on point. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I am content when writing short stories. - Sarah Mazucci
Life is like a blanket too short. You pull it up and your toes rebel, you yank it down and shivers meander about your shoulder; but cheerful folks manage to draw their knees up and pass a very comfortable night.
While the people retain their virtue, and vigilance, no administration, by any extreme of wickedness or folly, can very seriously injure the government, in the short space of four years. - Abraham Lincoln
A Very Short Poem for Poor LoversYou’ve got nothing,I’ve got nothing,And it’s not a good thing. - Arzum Uzun
Life is too short not to show your truest form EVERY day... Live it, Like it, Love it and then push for more ~~ - Jennie L. Hopkins
After all it was for one justice which is short..., but the journey up to this justice was very long.(Red 2008 Film) - Deyth Banger
There are so many things in this world. If we put it in short (succinctly), then what will remain? The ‘pure Soul’ and ‘circumstances’. Moreover, to disperse is the nature of circumstances. Therefore, the Pure Soul will not have to tell them to go away. - Dada Bhagwan
Let us be sure that the lady of our choice possesses certain tangible qualities that we admire; and if in other ways she falls short of our ideal, we must be patient and call to mind those qualities that first induced us to begin our courting. - Murasaki Shikibu
The road to success leads through the valley of humility, and the path is up the ladder of patience and across the wide barren plains of perseverance. As yet, no short cut has ever been discovered.
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date. - William Shakespeare
Short time seems long in sorrow's sharp sustaining. - William Shakespeare
I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that. - Robert Michaels
Life is to short to hate someone or give a damn about someone - Pushkar Saraf
A good speech is like a miniskirt--long enough to over all the vital parts, short enough to entice and captivate listeners. - Naa Shalman
Photoghraphic projects can be as short as an afternoon or as long as a lifetime. - George Barr
The meaning of Sannyas is not well defined. Its meaning is not static; it is redefined after short periods of time in the life of a Sannyasi. - Harshit Walia
...life - whatever else it is - is short... maybe even if we're not always so glad to be here, it's our task to immerse ourselves anyway: wade straight through it, right through the cesspool, while keeping eyes and hearts open. - Donna Tartt
It is in fact nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curious of inquiry. It is a very grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty. - Albert Einstein
He is a benefactor of mankind who contracts the great rules of life into short sentences, that may be easily impressed on the memory, and so recur habitually to the mind. - Samuel Johnson
ENTERTAINMENT, n. Any kind of amusement whose inroads stop short of death by injection. - Ambrose Bierce
Life is too short to listen to fools, and too important to ignore the wise. - Matshona Dhliwayo
There's always another side to the story but nothing compares to the glory of our own short sighted, one sided glorious view - AlunaGeorge
People that love quotes are those short on time, but long on big ideas. - Bruce Edwin
When people come to a conclusion that is contrary to popular opinion, there’s a calm resolution to them, for they are experiencing a short burst of pride. They have just captured an intellectual territory, and they will hold that territory. - Mike Klepper
Americans are a race of convicts and ought to be thankful for anything we allow them short of hanging. - Samuel Johnson
Life is too short to waste on unproductive endeavors - Blake L. Higginbotham
Sometimes a short cut is just a short cut to disaster. - Ethan Trex
McGough: I'm sorry. I'm afraid I've caught poetry. Mr Bones: Oh really? Well, don't worry, sir - I used to suffer from short stories.McGough: Really? When?Mr Bones: Oh, once upon a time ... - Graham Chapman
Living appears good, long, and tiresome, but it is way too short than a single stroke of lightning. - Aniruddha Sastikar
I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such short lives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double that time? - Walter Scott
He that will believe only what he can fully comprehend must have a long head or a very short creed.
Patriotism is not a short outburst of emotion, but is the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime. - Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
In a scheme of policy which is devised for a nation, we should not limit our views to its operation during a single year, or even for a short term of years. We should look at its operation for a considerable time, and in war as well as in peace. - Henry Clay
Life is too short to spend on a book you don't enjoy. - Katrina-Jane
Short lives,bouncing harmlessly as a cloth doll on grandma’s lap.Small helpless states,pretentiousness garbed in the unintelligible,makers of disposable art,the zeal to make a scoop unstoppable,pacified by fresh news,of scrabbling sexy movements. - Brian D'Ambrosio
Living a short life as a proud person is more worthwhile than living a whole century as a chameleon. - Eraldo Banovac
Life is so short. The only person you hurt when you stay angry or hold grudges is you. Forgive everyone, including yourself. - Tom Giaquinto
I have this uncanny knack of falling for the most irrelevant men,my love story would be comprising of short stories. - Pushpa Rana
A sound mind in a sound body is a short but full description of a happy state in this world. - John Locke
Life's too short for chess.
To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short. - Confucius
Sometimes love will pick you up by the short hairs...and jerk the heck out of you. - Denise Dobbs
Thirty-nine years of my life had passed before I understood that clouds were not my enemy; that they were beautiful, and that I needed them. I suppose this, for me, marked the beginning of wisdom. Life is short. - Iimani David
Keep the first date brief, short, sweet and simple and they'll come back to you. - Auliq Ice
Short wins does not guarantee long victories. - Krishna Sagar
Life is so short, transient, and beautiful that there is not enough time to get old. - Debasish Mridha
You're good for the ones you love. You want to be good for the ones you love, because you know that your time with them will end up being too short, no matter how long it is. - Stephen King
Your attempt was valiant, but the fight was unfair. He was a seasoned warrior, fully armored. You were a lad with a short sword. You have a brave heart. That can be more important than size or strength. - Brandon Mull
Let's not become too busy to keep in touch with those who really matter most and need us. Life's short but let's make an indelible purposeful and powerful impact with it - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Parting is inevitably painful, even for a short time. It's like an amputation, I feel a limb is being torn off, without which I shall be unable to function. And yet, once it is done... life rushes back into the void, richer, more vivid and fuller than before. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Does marriage have such a revolutionary power that a long-established habit can be overthrown in such a short time? - Yiyun Li
Life is too short to spend even one day in misery.- - RVM
I do love America. And LA is a very short commute to America its like half an hour on the plane. - Craig Ferguson
Perhaps the most important use of money - It saves time. Life is so short, and there's so much to do, one can't afford to waste a minute; and just think how much you waste, for instance, in walking from place to place instead of going by bus and in going by bus instead of by taxi. - W. Somerset Maugham
Apply analysis when appropriate, but keep it on a short leash when joy beckons. - Alan Cohen
Life is short. Focus on what really matters most; you should change your priorities over time. - Roy T. Bennett
Life is short enough, there is nothing worth here to take your life, and those things we do gain can never be taken to our grave. - Anthony Liccione
The music of kindness may be short lived, but its echoes are everlasting. - Debasish Mridha
Loan sharking may mean investment and immediate solutions but desperate loan sharks, who are short of cash, abuse your rights and attack other people's home. ~ Odyssey of a Heart, Home of a Soul - Angelica Hopes
Setbacks are common enemies of both achievers and people whose dream cut short. The difference is that the former persist against continual setbacks while the latter quit. - Assegid Habtewold
I have a right to DNF a book I can't find a fuck to give about. Life is too short to read shitty books. - Sana Khalid
They don't know your heart. Don't let them tell you who you are, what you can do. Heart cannot be put on a piece of paper... They can see you as short, thin, black or white, but they can not see your heart. The most powerful engine...The most important think you have to have is heart. - Csaba Gabor-B.
It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. The act of dying is not of importance, it lasts so short a time. - Samuel Johnson
By the late twentieth century, our time, a mythic time, we are all chimeras, theorized and fabricated hybrids of machine and organism; in short, we are cyborgs. - Donna J. Haraway
A miracle is when you take action on your written goal, and make it reality by working hard to create it. Transform your dreams into the real world, by writing your goals, taking action and making them happen. This is the short recipe for personal success. - Mark F. LaMoure
Our Nature is so Beautiful that we come eyes to short if we be on the right place. - Jan Jansen
When you come up a bit short on excellence, you still win. When you strive for perfect, you’re just never quite good enough. - Dawn Gluskin
My arms are too short to box with God. - Johnny Cash
High heels are a short (theist) woman's (subconscious) way of telling God to go to hell … in public. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I try to make my comments like a woman's skirt: long enough to be respectable and short enough to be interesting. - Adam Clayton Powell III
Humility is not a one time lesson that comes when you have lost everything. It is a daily reminder of how far we have come, yet still short of who we can be through HIS guidance. Blessed is the soul that can recognize that he isn’t moving mountains, but God is for him. - Shannon L. Alder
Love for one another is built on the actions we take. Words that are said, are used for short comfort; but little do we know lies can be hidden in the riddle. Tread carefully through the puddle of roses for there, thorns await. - Ochir Napoleoni
When The Pyramid falls, the other cities will follow in short order. Nature's balance will be restored and Man will finally return to solitude. - Compton Gage
Resist the short term temptation of procrastination; the immediate pleasure and relief that it brings does not fair in comparison to the long lasting damage it does to your dreams and goals. - Noel DeJesus
Life is short but love is universal and eternal. - Debasish Mridha
A decent life, even a short life, will always be far better than an exceptionally long life lived in ruin. - Steven J. Carroll
When does God turn a want into a need? When you feel the same way almost every day. Your thoughts can be distracted for a short period of time, but your mind will always take you back to the one place that feels like home. - Shannon L. Alder
If freedom is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower. - Adolf Hitler
I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead. - Mark Twain
Life is a strong drink served up in an extremely short, and fragile shot glass. We shouldn't waste a single drop. - Samantha Sotto
When your life is stormy, take a refuge to a port: To music or to literature, in short, to art, to any kind of art! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Once you’re on the negative side of the house, you're more accessible to the rooms where other negative moods hang out—irritability, frustration and anger. You're not directly there, but it's a short walk. - Simon Rego
Hang in there. It is astonishing how short a time it can take for very wonderful things to happen. - Frances Hodgson Burnett
Deciding to commit yourself to long term results rather than short term fixes is as important as any decision you'll make in your lifetime. - Anthony Robbins
A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience. - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
If I used a higher percentage of my brain I wouldn't of had to ride on the short bus. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Ideas have a short shelf life. You must act on them before the expiration date. World War I flying ace Eddie Rickenbacker said it all when he remarked, "I can give you a six-word formula for success: Thnk things through-then follow through. - John C. Maxwell
Love is Short, Remembering is long - Jack Waddell
The path of precept is long, that of example short and effectual. - Seneca
Managing your emotions doesn't mean you don't express yourself; it means you stop short of hurting others and sabotaging yourself. - Sue Fitzmaurice
May the fleas of a thousand camels invade the crotch of the person that ruins your day. And may their arms be to short too scratch - Keisha Keenleyside
Life and time is short it's best to take both in hands and enjoy it while it last - Joyce Guo
Life is too short to hold back, so live It as if It's not guaranteed. - Queen Of Spades
My only regrets are the moments when i doubted myself and took the safe route. Life is too short to waste time being unhappy. - Dan Howell
To criticize one's country is to do it a service... Criticism, in short, is more than a right; it is an act of patriotism--a higher form of patriotism, I believe, than the familiar rituals and national adulation. - J. William Fulbright (Senator)
A good short definition of grace is "one-way love. - Justin S. Holcomb & Lindsey A. Holcomb
We are never short on opportunities to answer the call to assist the widows, support the homeless, stand up for justice and to preach Christ crucified and resurrected. That is the true calling of every believer. - Andrena Sawyer
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. - Henry Van Dyke
Life is too short to miss out on anything, even if it's pain. - J.T. Geissinger
Depression is a prison. For some it is easy and short, for others it is difficult and long. For some the days go by easier than most and for others the days are eternity. But it is your choice to try and escape. - C. Shultz
Still, failure, success, what is it? Whae gies a fuck. We aw live, then we die, in quite a short space ay time n аw. That's it; end ay fuckin story. - Irvine Welsh
Love knows nothing of short hauls because it has committed itself for the long haul. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
So many people can now write competent stories that the short story is in danger of dying of competence. - Flannery O'Connor
Life is short; live it up.
Short is the joy that guilty pleasure brings. - Euripides
We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there thats needs to be done. - Alan Turing
Every man casts a shadow; not his body only, but his imperfectly mingled spirit. This is his grief. Let him turn which way he will, it falls opposite to the sun; short at noon, long at eve. Did you never see it? - Henry David Thoreau
My mind skidded round a very short track and passed the finish line in a matter of seconds without any sensible conclusion. - Petra Kidd
As a child i was nothing short of a genius, as a man i got used to stupidity. - Paul Bamikole
The simple record of three short years of active life has done more to regenerate and to soften mankind, than all the (investigations) disquisitions of philosophers and than all the exhortations of moralists. - William Edward Hartpole Lecky
But a somewhat more liberal and sympathetic examination of mankind will convince us that the cross is even older than the gibbet, that voluntary suffering was before and independent of compulsory; and in short that in most important matters a man has always been free to ruin himself if he chose. - G. K. Chesterton
I never fell in love with another woman. I cannot have a relationship with a woman if I'm not in love...I'm a very particular person, I'm not very much interested in short adventures with women or girls. I have to fall in love with someone in order to have a realtionship with her. - Omar Sharif
I call my it "the Book of Paula" or BoP for short. Those are my own opinions, based on experience. - Paula Heller Garland
And were an epitaph to be my story I'd have a short one ready for my own. I would have written of me on my stone: I had a lover's quarrel with the world. - Robert Frost
Life is way too short to get lost, so follow the script the way it comes and keep changing the checkpoints on every page. - Neetesh Dixit
Results speak for themselves while intentions often fall short of promises. - Mika Lo, wHow contributor
How was I able to live alone before, my little everything? Without you I lack self-confidence, passion for work, and enjoyment of life--in short, without you, my life is no life.[Written to his wife, Mileva] - Albert Einstein
I still find each day to short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.
Life is too short to be mad for too long. - Judith L. Harper
When you are falling short in vocabulary to explain the emotion in your story.Than you are writing the right story - Tushar Upreti
You know, some people say life is short and that you could get hit by a bus at any moment and that you have to live each day like it's your last. Bullshit. Life is long. You're probably not gonna get hit by a bus. And you're gonna have to live with the choices you make for the next fifty years. - Chris Rock
Life is too short for anger, resentment, hostility and "should have." It is too short to put off doing what brings you joy. Live each day as if it were your last, because one day it will be. - Julie-Anne
Mourn, cry, be sad god doesn't give a fuck. The life has been taken in one or other way and it can't be done anything that's all, it's not big philosophy - it's short and it can't be more longer than this! - Deyth Banger
He who makes fun of a short and fat man’s weight is much less cruel than he who makes fun of his height. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Anxiety, in short, is a conscious feeling. It can arise in a bottom-up way, driven by activity in defensive circuits or from higher processes that conceptualize worry, either about an uncertain future or about existence itself. - Joseph E. Ledoux
The elevation of appearance over substance, of celebrity over character, of short term gains over lasting achievement displays a poverty of ambition. It distracts you from what's truly important. - Barack Obama
A short story is the ultimate close-up magic trick -- a couple of thousand words to take you around the universe or break your heart. - Neil Gaiman
In short, philosophical theories are largely the product of the hidden hand of the cognitive unconscious. - George Lakoff
The distance of a voice, is only a short time away from touch. - Anthony Liccione
A miracle is when you take action on your written goal, and work hard to create it. Transform your dreams into the reality, by writing your goals, taking action and making them happen. This is the short recipe for top success. - Mark F. LaMoure
War is sometimes described as long periods of boredom punctuated by short moments of excitement. History is often similar, if rather safer. - John H. Arnold
"Only a novel"... in short, only some work in which the greatest powers of the mind are displayed, in which the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the happiest delineation of its varieties, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour are conveyed to the world in the best chosen language. - Jane Austen
If we have learned one thing from the history of invention and discovery, it is that, in the long run - and often in the short one - the most daring prophecies seem laughably conservative. - Arthur C. Clarke
Life is too short when you think of the length of death - Sean Mangan
She was mined for the childrenin her, one daughter, then another, a short seam, quick to clay, and not a single son to save them. - Robert Wrigley
God has permitted the great lie for a short time only. That time is now coming to an end. Believers in the lie! You have been raised on the milk of your concrete beliefs. Now it is time for you to be weaned to partake of the solid food of the new age, the "New World Order. - Compton Gage
We didn't actually overspend our budget. The allocation simply fell short of our expenditure. - Keith Davis
Every individual is an author in himself. It is only that he falls short of words to express; list of stories. - Aniruddha Sastikar
You stupid fool, you know very well it's not a short novel, but something longer...A piece of work you've got to buckle down to, that needs peace and concentration. Being able to wake up in the morning and lie in bed for a while. - Iván Mándy
Maturity is only a short break in adolescence. - Jules Feiffer
Please choose the way of peace. ... In the short term there may be winners and losers in this war that we all dread. But that never can, nor never will justify the suffering, pain and loss of life your weapons will cause. - Mother Teresa
I was too green to know that all cynicism masks a failure to cope -- an impotence, in short; and that to despise all effort is the greatest effort of all.
I lived what most people call the good life. I was happy, but deep inside I always felt that, with the short amount of time we are given to live and love in this world, we spend too much time loving things instead of people. - Antonia Brenner
One’s life is short, but the life of the spirit is long. - Sook Nyul Choi
Life is too short to be miserable for 40+ hours a week. - A. Dalcourt
We will make ourselves comfortable and sleep, and eat as much as we can stuff into our bellies, and drink and smoke so that hours are not wasted. Life is short. - Erich Maria Marque
Fat or thin. tall or short. we have a problem with almost everything, and maybe, that is why we should actually start "LIVING". - anjali mukherjee
Life is too short not to eat raw and it's even shorter if you don't. - Marie Sarantakis
Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind. - Henri-Frédéric Amiel
For me, the short story is not a character sketch, a mouse trap, an epiphany, a slice of suburban life. It is the flowering of a symbol center. It is a poem grafted onto sturdier stock. - William H. Gass
Shortchange your education now and you may be short of change the rest of your life.
Life is wonderful so love deeply. Life is short so live it intensely. - Debasish Mridha
I wanted a woman who could get me out of a Third World prison. Life's too short to hang out with people who aren't resourceful. - Jeff Bezos
Is life too short to be taking this shit, or is life too short to be minding it? - Violet Weingarten
Life is like an Autumn; short but colourful. - Zain Baloch
Life is too short to read books that I'm not enjoying. - Melissa Marr
Life is too short to be complicated by rules, live it big - Yatin Patel
True writers know that writing is not something they feel required to do,or to make a living they must do, it is quite frankly like breathing. Somecan breathe often and fluently, some short breaths, some a long exhaleand for many of us it is the patient steady breathing surrounding life. - Milissa R. Bailey
You know some minutes warn you they're going to be mighty short and you'd better take a snapshot of 'em while you can. ("Golden Baby") - Alice Brown
In this age, which believes that there is a short cut to everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is, in the long run, the easiest. - Henry Miller
Life is too short. I forgive and forget. I have not time to get mad or hate. - Debasish Mridha
A short story is a love affair, a novel is a marriage. A short story is a photograph; a novel is a film. - Lorrie Moore
There is no short cut to success, but there are guidelines to success! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Your woman should always be short of words and full of kisses. - Saleem Sharma
I'm NOT short. I prefer to think there is simply more space above my head for word balloons full of devastatingly pithy witticisms. - R. Stevens
Life's short. Eat dessert first, work less and vacation MORE!! - Lea Mishell
Life is simply too short to live it less perfectly than it could be lived. - Jp Delaney
Do what makes you happy. Life is too short to live on other people's expectations - Amefil
The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. - Ronald Reagan
Life is a flower in the garden of humanity. It blooms for a short time and then slowly it disappears and becomes a memory on the canvas of infinite time. - Debasish Mridha
To many people fall short of their goals because they mistakenly believe that losing is just another comfortable place to sit. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
I would rather live short and right then long and wrong. - John Paul Warren
A short story is a writer's way of thinking through experience... Journalism aims at accuracy, but fiction's aim is truth. The writer distorts reality in the interest of a larger truth. - John L'Heureux
Sometimes things happen in our lives that wake us up to the truth, about how short life is. It’s then we wonder why we spent so much wasted time looking too far into the future. - Ron Baratono
but for my own part, if a book is well written, I always find it too short. - Jane Austen
I was the future and shall be the past - I am a timeless, everlasting Now, so short I have no end, so long I have no duration. - Nanamoli Thera
What is ten thousand years? Time is short for one who thinks, endless for one who yearns.
A short saying oft contains much wisdom. - Sophocles
When you settle for anything short of the best life God wants to offer you, then you have been tempted to remain safe and the accountability for not changing your life becomes your prison of regret. - Shannon L. Alder
Love and Devotion, a short cut to the REAL Spiritual lifestyle.. - _nickc
Kindness can be short, sweet, transient, and random, but its effects echo forever. - Debasish Mridha
Kid's, Life's too short to be organized. Follow your dreams first, then organize later. - Kendall Schmidt
There is something pagan in me that I cannot shake off. In short, I deny nothing, but doubt everything. - George Gordon Byron
The sharp knife of a short life, wellI've had, just enough time. - Kimberly Perry
Life is too short to work so hard. - Vivien Leigh
Life is too short for traffic. - Dan Bellack
Life is short as breathing!Forget Yesterday, Focus today to enjoy tomorrow!"The purpose of life is to live it, not destroy it. - Ebelsain Villegas
Life's too short, drive it like ya stole it! - Debra L. Hartmann
Every poem I write falls short in some important way. But I go on trying to write the one that won’t. - Dorianne Laux
There is no poetry or song. There is no short or long.There is only you. - Debasish Mridha
Nietzche started a nonsensical idea that men had once sought as good what we now call evil; if it were so, we could not talk of surpassing or even falling short of them.
Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.
But the thing that . . . that I touched . . . " I cried. "It was furry! It-" I stopped short, taken with a shudder. "I know," said Herrick. - Margery Williams
Selling yourself short shortchanges others who could reap the benefits of what you have to offer; it also shortchanges you who could, in turn, reap the benefits of what others want to offer you. - Pen
Life is too short to hate anything. I am too busy to love and enjoy everything. - Debasish Mridha
We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run. - Roy Amara
Who says that money don't matter?If you are Rich all the world will know about you, if you are poor no one give a crap about what it's happening to you!"Life It's Short, enjoy this moment. - Ebelsain Villegas
The God I believe in isn't short on cash, mister. - Bono
Life should be like a good Tweet - short, pithy, convey a message and inspire others to follow. - Ashok Kallarakkal
Learning is one letter short of maturity. - Eddie Mhone
Life is so short, no time to spare, so choose carefully, love intensely and live blissfully. - Debasish Mridha
Short prayers with long legs travel far. - Matshona Dhliwayo
In fact the trick good shooters deploy is change of focus from long to short and vice versa. And that should happen fast.The modus operandi is an alignment – of long Focus (long term vision) with due validation with respect to current status (short term goals). - Priyavrat Thareja
Es tan corto el amor, y tan largo el olvido. (Love is so short, and forgetting is so long.) - Pablo Neruda
..nor did he pause to reflect that hereditary aristocracies have always been short lived where as adoptive organizations such as the Catholic Church sometimes lasted for hundreds or thousands of years. - George Orwell
Language is a ladder that always falls short of reality. - Marty Rubin
Everybody should read something. Otherwise we all fall down into the pit of ignorance. Many are down there. Some people fall in it forever. Their lives mean nothing. They should not exist. (From the short story, "Charity".) - Charles Baxter
In the long run most short cuts are flawed - especially on journeys to 'so-called' success - Rasheed Ogunlaru
She was only a dew drop that sparkled a short while under the brilliant rays of heaven's sunlight. - Reverend Ada Slaton Bonds
If you learned to live in mediocrity, you have never learned to live.if you still need introduction, you still need to work hard.If you want a short cut to success, try your WILL POWER.If you want a successful life, then take chances and make changes - Harsh Malik
Our gods, if we choose to believe in them, must be forced to live up to ethics that far surpass our own human standards. If they fall short of the ethical conditions we place upon ourselves, what use are they to us - except to rationalize our own failures? - Stifyn Emrys
I realized that the legal system was corrupt when I went to court and the judge imposed a very short time limit on my evidence submission before removing my legal rights to free speech. - Steven Magee
Time is Short. Take Time to Travel. - Barbara K Olson
When asked for advice on how to write a short story, Carlos Cortés responded, No advice. Every writer has to exorcise his own demons. - Carlos Cortés
I never married, but if I had done so, I'm sure I'd have divorced the sod a long time ago. Life is simply too short to hang around with annoying people. That may be why I have so few friends. I'm sure my daughter concurs. - Pansy Schneider-Horst
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it. - Voltaire
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth. - Unkown
A miracle is when you take action on your written goal, and work hard to create it. Transform your dreams into reality, by writing your goals, taking action and making them happen. This is the short recipe for top success. - Mark F. LaMoure
We don't want any relationship! we just need someone who listen us, who is ready to do anything for us without saying no. In short we just need one slave! - sid
Psychology has a long past, but only a short history - Herman Ebbinghaus
The path is long, but self-surrender makes it short; the way is difficult, but perfect trust makes it easy. - The Mother
There are three side effects of acid. Enchanced long term memory, decreased short term memory, and I forget the third. - Timothy Leary
The moment of victory is much too short to live for that and nothing else. - Martina Navratilova
Life's too short. Live with more courage. Give and receive from the heart. Inspire your world. - Wesam Fawzi
Life is too short, hug tightly, love strongly, forgive oftenly, and always smile widely! - Zane Baker
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. But if you do, make new ones. Life is too short to make the wrong choice twice. - Joyce Rachelle
I take it, though,...given the utter lack of change in your demeanor and nearly radiating I-just-slaughtered-a -bunch-of-infant-forest-animals guilt coming from your general direction...the exchange with your female friend went something a trifle short of fantastic. - Anihyr Moonstar
Nor is it always in the most distinguished achievements that men's virtues or vices may be best discovered: but very often an action of small note, a short saying, or a jest, shall distinguish a person's real character more than the greatest sieges, or the most important battle. - Plutarch
Short sentences drawn from long experiences. - Miguel de Cervantes
Pleasure and action make the hours seem short. - William Shakespeare
Elizabeth called it my mane of hair; I called it my bane of hair. However, it was far worse looking when it was short, sticking straight up or out at awkward angles; at least when it was long it almost obeyed gravity. - Penny Reid
Of all the questions which can come before this nation, short of the actual preservation of its existence in a great war, there is none which compares in importance with the great central task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us. - Theodore Roosevelt
When your dream dies, create another dream; don’t waste your time to resurrect the dead one! Remember that you are mortal and don’t stuck on one dream! Give other dreams a chance! Be just! Remember, you are mortal and your time is very short! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Realism falls short of reality. It shrinks it, attenuates it, falsifies it; it does not take into account our basic truths and our fundamental obsessions: love, death, astonishment. It presents man in a reduced and estranged perspective. Truth is in our dreams, in the imagination. - Eugène Ionesco
Everything is Not Lost, We always judge the present situation the way it is and we become judgemental rather than trying to analyse. We need to keep hopes,circumstances may change. Its true that life throws us in some tough situations and that is not the end, in short Everything is still not lost. - Nitesh Kammar
Keep memories of insult on a short leash, and memories of blessing on a long one. - Alan Cohen
I’m a short woman with a pretty good body and large breasts — that’s not what I think of as sexy. - Adrienne Barbeau
For a writer, life is always too short to write. I will just try my best during what remains of my life. - Cao Yu
What I am proud of, what seems so simply clear, is that feminism is a way to fight for justice, always in short supply. - Barbara Strickland
God is short of responsible men which explains why he said who shall I send and who would go for us? - Sunday Adelaja
I sold my first short story to Pyramid Press, where it was chiseled onto fifteen slabs of granite, and for which I was paid nine goats. - Frank Tuttle
I wanted to explain so much to him at that moment, but you can't give a six-year-old the perspective of a 40-year-old, not really, so I gave him the short course. - David Skinner
Life is to short to worry about everything. - Radostin Chernev
At sixteen I was stupid, confused, insecure and indecisive. At twenty-five I was wise, self- confident, prepossessing and assertive. At forty-five I am stupid, confused, insecure and indecisive. Who would have supposed that maturity is only a short break in adolescence? - Jules Feiffer
Using someone else’s ruler to measure your self-worth will always leave you short. - Charles F. Glassman
Only those of us live for centuries that decided not to live in their short lives. - M.F. Moonzajer
How to be happy in life? The short and simple answer is to SMILE more often! - Al Munoz
The day is short, the labor vast, the toilers idle, the reward great, and the Master urgent. - Tarphon
Better stop short than fill to the brim. Oversharpen the blade, and the edge will soon blunt. Amass a store of gold and jade, and no one can protect it. Claim wealth and titles, and disaster will follow. Retire when the work is done. This is the way of heaven.
Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity, or registering wrongs. - charlotte bronte
Late to bed and late to wake will keep you long on money and short on mistakes. - Aaron McGruder
Doubt is to certainty as neurosis is to psychosis. The neurotic is in doubt and has fears about persons and things; the psychotic has convictions and makes claims about them. In short, the neurotic has problems, the psychotic has solutions. - Thomas Szasz
Life's short. Live passionately. - Marc A. Pitman
A love letter can be very short or it can be long; it can be literary or non-literary; it can be bright or dark, cheerful or tragic. But above all, for a love letter to be a love letter it must be sincere! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Live happy and enjoy your journey. Life is too short to not enjoy the ride ! Perspective really matters. Worry never solves any problems. Have belly laughs and chuckles instead - Angie karan
Life is too short for it to be used to accumulate a harem of enemies. - Auliq-Ice
Better to have loved and lost a short person than never to have loved a tall.
I long to embrace, to include in my own short life, all that is accessible to man. - Anton Chekhov
Be an inspiration for short time than living for a long time - shashidhar sa
The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office. - Will Rogers
She wrote a long letter on a short piece of paper - travel schedule
The life so short, the craft so long to learn. - Hippocrates
A physical attraction is often desired above many things but you'll discover it to be short lived. Find yourself someone that gets under your skin, seduces the dusty corners of your heart, and provides you with a mental connection. That is when you'll know true intimacy. - M.J. Abraham
Let thy speech be short, comprehending much in a few words. - Aprocrypha
Failures are very public, and successes are short lived. It's the pleasure of drawing funny pictures that makes up for it. - Bill Watterson
My short stories are like soft shadows I have set out in the world, faint footprints I have left. I remember exactly where I set down each and every one of them, and how I felt when I did. Short stories are like guideposts to my heart... - Haruki Murakami
I shall be up before you are awake; I shall be afield before you are up; and I shall have breakfasted before you are afield. In short, I shall astonish you all. - Thomas Hardy
If you want to be a good writer, internalize the good writers; absorb them; integrate with their souls; embrace their minds; mingle with their life stories; in short, merge with them, lose yourself in them! - Mehmet Murat ildan
In evaluating ourselves, we tend to be long on our weaknesses and short on our strengths. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I prefer that these reserves be spent in arguing whether Mary conceived without sin, whether Christ was God or man, rather than discussing whether my power is of divine origin and if, in short, I am deserving of it. Heresy, then, is tolerable as long as it is not employed directly against power. - Carlos Fuentes
The life given us, by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal. - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Not everyone can understand your language like using "BTW", "BRB", "SAA" and many other such type of short words. - Deyth Banger
Muslims may fall short of Islam but Islam will never fall short of Muslims. - Habeeb Akande
She held out a small voice recorder. 'By the way, could you describe exactly how you felt at the moment of impact? I'm writing this short story--''Put that away, Hazel,' hissed Mam. 'The poor boy is in pain.'Hazel persisted. 'Would that be a white-hot pain? Or more of a dull throbbing pain? - Eoin Colfer
Life is short. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly.
For the great mass of mankind, the only saving grace needed is a steady fidelity to what is nearest to hand and heart for the short moment of each human effort. - Joseph Conrad
The life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. - Thomas Hobbes
…when writing, always hook the reader with your first sentence…in love, never settle…value yourself first and this will help you to value others…life is short, so enjoy it to the fullest…everyone in the world is different, and that’s ok… - Spider Robinson
When you choose happiness be ready to be called a mad man. Don't waste a single moment of your life, live it, rock it because life's too short to pretend. - Desmond Oshifeso
Life is but a short and fevered rehearsal for a concert we cannot stay to give. - stephen christian
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark. - Michelangelo Buonarroti
I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see. The longer I live, the more my mind dwells upon the beauty and the wonder of the world. - John Burroughs
Life's too short to lay in wait. A soul is meant to love and love is all there is. - Kate McGahan
In short, do you keep pace with those around you, or do you decide yourself just how you will live your life? The truth is...only you are qualified to set your standards. Only you can determine how you should live and what you will finally expect from yourself. - Steve Goodier
No man will ever bring out of that office the reputation which carries him into it. The honeymoon would be as short in that case as in any other, and its moments of ecstasy would be ransomed by years of torment and hatred. - Thomas Jefferson
Life is too short, or too long, for me to allow myself the luxury of living it so badly. - Paulo Coelho
Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friends - John Lennon
...So to be fast to don't be long and to try to be short... If you want to play the best game, create it - make the rules, make what they will do... That's how I do it. I make people to play my games and then often loooose! - Deyth Banger
My short love story gave me lots of memories but i never wanted memories, I wanted you. - Raaz Ojha
I heard a definition once: Happiness is health and a short memory! I wish I'd invented it, because it is very true. - Audrey Hepburn
Fear is the short road to death and this world, Changed by the flux of decay: Survival is the exception for weary men.From the new book The Waning - Ellen Mae Franklin
Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves? - Friedrich Nietzsche
I create beautiful art, so I can look back on the life my body fell short of in such a way that it brings me peace. - Nikki Rowe
They say I'm short tempered..But i say, I wanna be remembered,To leave a mark,No! I'm not self centered! - Aswin R Prasad
People fall short. Your finger-pointing hurts you more than it does them. Less judgement. More compassion - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
Falling out of love is very enlightening. For a short while you see the world with new eyes. - Iris Murdoch
Life is too short not to smile. Smile as much as you can. - Steve Imig
In life, most short cuts end up taking longer than taking the longer route. - Suzy Kassem
All civilizations have needed a stable basis of short term value. - Jay Weiser
Thank God for all of your short comings because it gives the people who don’t belong in your life something to hang their insecurities on as they drift away in a cloud of delusional perfection. - Carl Henegan
The more deeper you think, the more silence you become. You understand the reasons behind the reason. It may not necessarily mean you are short of words. You however know what ignorance can trigger and how to deal with ignorance and purpose. The timeliness of your word is surely on point - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Life it too short to deal with crazy people. - Karen E. Quinones Miller
Life is too short to bullshit. - Fakeer Ishavardas
It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry. - Albert Einstein
Never try to tell everything you know. It may take too short a time. - Norman Ford
She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful and life was so short.
Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; have in general been as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths. - James Madison
Be life long or short, its completeness depends on what it was lived for. - David Starr Jordan
Life is simple and short but love is infinite and eternal. So give it away, as much as you can, without judging anyone. - Debasish Mridha
It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom. Without this it goes to wrack and ruin without fail. - Albert Einstein
History is the short trudge from Adam to atom. - Leonard Louis Levinson
Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy. - Roy T. Bennett
The way to a woman's heart might best be reached via a short cut. - Dixie Waters
Life is rather a short walk through eternity. Be they seeds, pups or infants, on the trek they all pick up weight, sensitivity and awareness. Then, much before the end of the run, they deteriorate, lead, legs and lungs. The tragicomedy of existence: the long walk of slow decay. - Dagobert D. Runes
While there may not be a book in every one of us, there is so often a damned good short story. - Jeffrey Archer
Life’s short when compared to eternity, but eternity is only worth it because of life. - Scott Thompson
Time is powerless. An instant could be enough for us and eternity could be too short. We, and only we, decide what time is for us. - Rom Amor